Can there be an uncountable tiling of the plane?

4 min read. I came across a post on Reddit one morning that posed the following interesting little question: Are the only tilings of the plane countable?

Hello World, again

1 min read. So I’ve redone this blog, again. Last time I did this I was learning how to play with NodeJS. There were some serious design flaws with that implementation; mainly due to the fact that I didn’t really know how I wanted to use it. However, it gave me some practice with NodeJS and I had a bunch of fun. This time I have a better idea of how I wanted this to work (and I...

Norms Induce Metrics

4 min read. This post was written back when I was an undergrad (as you can tell by the date). It's not an amazing result, but was a fun exercise that arose from an interesting conversation I had with a professor at the time.

How different are metrics and norms?

4 min read. This post was written back when I was an undergrad (as you can tell by the date). It's not an amazing result, but was a fun exercise that arose from an interesting conversation I had with a professor at the time.